We are open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from the hours 14:00 to 18:00.
Next Data srl
Registered office:
Via Bologna, 714 - 44124 Ferrara
Operational headquarters:
Via Umberto Manfredini, 5 - 44122 Ferrara
Tel + 39 0532 1716257
Fax + 39 0532 1795128
VAT number and CF 01831150386
Number REA FE - 175159
SDI code T04ZHR3
ROC code 21072
PEC: posta.certificata@pec.next-data.com
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Next Data
From specialized technical consultancy, to the study of complex projects, up to the reorganization of business processes. Our Mission is to offer the most suitable solution for every single request.